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Upcoming Workshops // May to July

May 15, 2017 by Erin Fletcher

Make Your Own Punching Cradle
May 20 (Saturday)
9:00am – 1:00pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston MA

A punching cradle is a very useful piece of equipment for bookbinders. During this class, students create a collapsible punching cradle with a variable length. The collapsible cradle is lightweight, saves space, and is perfect for traveling or working in small spaces.

Fundamentals of Bookbinding I
June 19 – 23 (Monday – Friday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA

This is a great workshop if you are interested in the full-time program at North Bennet or wanting to learn a new skill. During the workshop students will explore the basics of bookbinding through a variety of non-adhesive structures and finish the week by making a flatback case binding. We will discuss materials, adhesives, tool use and students will have access to traditional bindery equipment.

Three-Part Bradel Binding
June 26 – 30 (Monday – Friday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA

The 3-Part Bradel binding offers a unique aesthetic over a traditional case binding. As the name suggests, the binding is assembled in three parts, which encourages the binder to use different materials to cover the spine and covers. For this workshop, students will use leather to cover the spine and a cloth or paper of their choice for the covers. Students will be guided as they pare their own leather.

Students will also be using a variety of bindery equipment such as a sewing frame, job backer, plow and Kwikprint to complete their structure. We will also cover how to create a painted edge and stamp a custom label. Experience with leather is not necessary, but encouraged.

Bookbinding 101
July 8 – 9 (Saturday – Sunday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA

This shorter workshop focuses on technique as students will construct through the aid of kits. Students will make three different binding structures and create an enclosure to house everything. This workshop is perfect for anyone curious about bookbinding and what North Bennet has to offer. No prior experience necessary.

Single Signature Binding
July 14 – 16 (Friday – Sunday)
8:30am – 4:30pm
North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA

Creating an elegant binding around a single signature can be a tricky task. Students will use a basic sewing technique, known as a pamphlet stitch, to create a quarter leather hardcover binding. The illusion of a standard rounded-back leather bound book is created through the use of a stub and unique style of endpapers. This workshop is suitable for students with some binding experience and those who are interested in understanding how to maniupulate familiar techniques to fit a slimmer text block. Students will also have the chance to work with leather (no previous experience is necessary) and spend time practicing paring.

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  • My name is Erin Fletcher, owner and bookbinder of Herringbone Bindery in Boston. Flash of the Hand is a space where I share my process and inspirations.
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