Cruel Radiance is a recent series of sculptural work from artist Rachel Foullon. Each object is a collaged network of common objects. Rachel beautifully wrangles together texture, color and depth in a harmonious way.
‘sculpture’ Category
Artist: Rachel Foullon
March 27, 2015 by Erin Fletcher
Artist: Amy Santoferraro
March 26, 2015 by Erin Fletcher
I really love the playfulness of these sculptures from artist Amy Santoferraro. Particularly the topsy-turvy use of the baskets as the platform for the plastic flora. The whimsical use of foam and found objects to create delicate forms is quite attractive.
Artist: Caroline Slotte
February 12, 2015 by Erin Fletcher
Caroline Slotte carefully carved each of these mundane objects out of wood for the series One to One. Since I lack any real talent when it comes to shaping wood, I’m completely dazzled by these pieces.
Artist: Andrew Hayes
August 20, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
The altered bookwork of Andrew Hayes is striking and quite extraordinary. Andrew crafts steel vessels to house and highlight discarded book pages in a manner that is more unique than most altered books. At first glance, these sculptures are not recognizable as books. The pages are tightly sandwiched between steel barriers and fanned out, exposing the interior text and imagery. Andrew embraces the attributes of the pages (i.e., page tabs and painted edges), offering more intrigue and depth to the piece.
Artist: Lauren Clay
June 12, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
This new work from Lauren Clay is just fantastic! These large wall pieces are made from wood, paper mache and layers of acrylic paint and remind me a bit of Gak, that awesome putty goop stuff from those Nickelodeon commercials. Lauren’s portfolio is filled with large-scale sculptural work, some of which I featured last year here.
Artist: Ted Larsen
March 14, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
Using salvaged materials, Ted Larsen constructs minimalist sculptures on a scale both large and small. I find the antique color palette and raw construction to be quite pleasing, perfectly complementing any bare wall.
Artist: Derrick Velasquez
February 27, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
Derrick Velasquez has created these magnificent sculptures by simply offsetting strips of colorful vinyl into a massive stack. The overall shape of the piece is directed by the wooden post at the base of each vinyl pile. I love this work because of its simplicity and elegance, plus some pieces seem to defy a sense of balance.
In a correspondence with the artist, Derrick told me about his past as an amateur bookbinder! The vinyl strips in these sculptures are actually scraps leftover from the softcover journals he use to make. Fantastic, thanks for sharing Derrick.
Artist: Valerie Hammond
February 27, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
The work of Valerie Hammond is so delicate and lovely and shrouded in mystery. I especially love her sculpture work, it reminds me so much of the earlier sculpture work of artist Petah Coyne. Valerie draws from her great fascination and mystery of ancient religious visuals from Tibetan medical drawings to Buddhist sculptures; working across various mediums from painting to printmaking to photography.
Artist: Sabine Finkenauer
February 14, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
Sabine Finkenauer’s artistic talents spread across several mediums from sculptural work with wrought iron and wood to drawing, painting and collage work. Her art is clean and simple, yet challenges our perceptions of layout and space.
Artist: Christian Maychack
February 13, 2013 by Erin Fletcher
Squishing colored epoxy within wooden moulds supported by shims and tree rings, artist Christian Maychack creates some exceptional pieces of art. These playful sculptures resemble vivid formica that would be quite welcome in my home, in fact I would be very pleased to have Christian’s work adorn my walls.