Herringbone Bindery
Erin Fletcher : Fine Binding & Edition Binding
Upcoming Workshops
Teaching the craft of bookbinding is as much a passion for me as my studio work. I’ve been teaching workshops since 2012 for various institutions and organizations across the country. If you are unable to attend an in-person workshop, try one of my online workshops available to students worldwide.

If you are looking to hire me to teach a group workshop either in-person or online for your institution or organization, please visit the Teaching page for more information.

Fall 2024 Workshops
Box Series
November 12, 14, 19, 21
(Tuesday and Thursday evenings)

Herringbone Bindery
- Online workshop
- Registration closes on October 31st
- Apply for a reduced rate by October 17th
French-Tray with Drop Spine, Clamshell Box, and Japanese Box Case stacked on a wooden table.
Secret Belgian Binding
November 16, 23, 30, December 7
(Saturday mornings)

Herringbone Bindery
- Online workshop
- Registration closes on November 5th
- Apply for a reduced rate by October 22nd
A variety of Secret Belgian Bindings sitting on a wooden table.
Collapsible Punching Cradle
December 3 & 5
(Tuesday and Thursday evenings)

Herringbone Bindery
- Online workshop
- Registration closes on November 21st
- Apply for a reduced rate by November 7th
Artist demoing how to assemble the Collapsible Punching Cradle.

Registration Closed
Pianel Binding
October 19, 26, November 2
(Saturday mornings)

Herringbone Bindery
- Online workshop
- Registration closes on October 8th
- Apply for a reduced rate by September 24th
Top view of the Pianel Binding sitting on a cutting matte.
Tue-Mouche Binding
Logo of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild October 22 & 24
(Tuesday and Thursday evenings)

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
- Online workshop
Close-up of the spine of a Tue-Mouche binding sitting on a wooden tabletop.